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Originally Released April 20, 2020, updated March 11, 2021

BC’s Provincial Health Officer announced the first relaxation of restrictions on public gatherings on March 11th – in anticipation of further updates to health orders, travel advisories, and guidance, the AGA-BC has revised the Best Practices Manual with updated information, links, and current best-practice guidelines.

With over 300 golf courses in all areas of the province, it is critical that all golf operations in British Columbia align with COVID-19 orders, direction and safety protocols mandated by the Provincial Health Office (PHO), regional health authorities and other authorities such as Health Canada and WorksafeBC.

To be clear, the government of British Columbia has not mandated the temporary closure of golf courses. While operations are allowed to proceed, in order to ensure safety and contribute towards containing the spread of the virus, golf operators providing services must take every health and safety precaution for their employees and customers. 

The Allied Golf Association of BC (AGA-BC) advocates the critical role that golf plays in the Canadian economy and supports the following statement from ‘We Are Golf’, the National Allied Golf Associations:

 “We Are Golf is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our members, golfers, staff, volunteers and industry stakeholders as well as every Canadian in the communities where we live, work and play.”

Key statement from AGA – BC:

 “Golf is good for our health, our environment, and the economy of British Columbia.”

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, it is imperative that all BC golf courses continue to implement and improve the COVID-19 physical distancing, disinfection and other procedures outlined in the following best management practices document.

Please note this is not a legal document.  It will be updated as new information becomes available; however, every golf operator must follow all PHO orders.  Please visit for industry updates, news and to sign-up for the AGA-BC e-newsletter.

The Allied Golf Association of British Columbia (AGA-BC) is a member of the National Allied Golf Association and unifies five provincial golf industry sector organizations (British Columbia Golf, British Columbia Golf Marketing Alliance, British Columbia Golf Superintendents Association, Canadian Society of Club Managers – BC, Western Canada Turf Grass Association) to provide one cohesive voice for the golf industry of British Columbia.